Well, hello.
Of all the pages on all the web, you had to check out mine...
Quite understandable of course because I am a rather exotic and colourful creation.
Conceited? Moi?
Well, maybe a little. But why not?
Besides, how many people can legitimately claim to have made money by posing for the camera as both a boy and a girl?
I may not necessarily have made enough from either gig to keep in Jimmy Choos or Manolo Blahniks for the rest of my glamorous existence but it's something to go on one's CV - or maybe not considering the customary sense of humour pervading most HR departments.
Anyway, these days I am the face of Glamour & Sparkle, the UK's most exciting and innovative new company catering for all the jewellery needs of crossdressers, transvestites, t-girls, trannies and of course natural beauties like myself.
And if Glamour & Sparkle isn't quite a multinational concern just yet, then I have to concede I'm not quite the face that launched a thousand ships - but please, darlings, no smart remarks about filling life boats.
After all, a girl has feelings - and if you're mean to me I might just stamp on your foot with my spike high heel....