Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Black Magic

Whether it's a Model T Ford, a little black dress or the rather delectable Stacey Ann Ferguson from the Black Eyed Peas, you can't go far wrong with black.
Not unless you're talking about chocolates, in which case steer well clear of Black Magic as they're rubbish; it's also a good idea to avoid black ice if you can.
Where was I?
Ah, yes. At the end of the day no one ever looked unstylish or uncool because they were sporting a bit of silver and black bling.
Therefore we highly recommend this silver and black necklace and earring set. It's a stunning combination with a ridiculously low price.
Guaranteed to look good with a ball gown or party dress, this will ensure you make a statement on your next night out.
It won't be around for long so check it out now on the Glamour & Sparkle website.