Saturday 15 October 2011

White Wine - Gatorade For Girls!

One of the biggest issues facing a girl on a night out is invariably what to drink.

Obviously there's a time and a place for beer (and beer goggles) but few things ruin the line and cut of an evening dress as much as a pint of lager. And let's not even mention the unforgivable sin of accessorising a cocktail frock with a pint of bitter. That's a flogging offence - and not the sort of playful, mildly arousing flogging either.

Bottles of beer have their suggestive uses and there's something to be said for the odd alcopop - after all, we all have our wicked sides - while colourful, fruity drinks with straws and umbrellas are nice in moderation but suggest you're trying too hard. The frock and heels offer a subtle enough hint without knocking back daiquiris all night.

At the end of the day - or the start of the night - you can't go wrong with a crisp, refreshing glass of white wine. Sophisticated, refined and good enough to go with anything (like someone else I know), it really is the perfect accompaniment to an evening out.

Wine - It's Gatorade for Girls!

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